1,000-word reflection on your practice, where you are asked to discuss your own development of culturally competent practice. This task carries 30% of your module grade.(LO1) (LO2) (LO3)
you can draw upon all your learning so far. From placements, teaching , reading, and also skills days
You can write this part of the assignment in the first person.
You might wish to use a model of reflection to guide you.
Consider some of the diverse communities we work with
Where do we consider our current level of cultural competence to be?
What do we need to develop our cultural competence?
How might our personal and professional values have an impact?
You should spend ¾ of the assignment CRITICALLY reflecting NOT descriptive reflecting.
Use legislations approaches and a minimum of three models
Include gaps in knowledge
Refer to the international perspectives (IFSW)
Learning outcomes
LO1. Critically reflect on their own knowledge and values regarding diverse cultures and the implications for their own social work practice
LO2. Demonstrate of diverse communities in Britain and effective social wprl practice with individiuals from these communities
LO3. Explore the challenges and opportunities presented by migration in relation to social work in the UK.
LO4. Understand and analyse a range of international social work models and make comparisons to UK social work practice.