MGNT 310 Research and Analysis #2 POWER

Research the use and/or abuse of power in a company Note:  It must be within a business organizational setting, [not political/governmental one]. Examples: office politics, reporting relationships, intercultural differences, appraisal and rewards systems, decision-making, harassment, bullying, etc. Include the sources of your research (titles, authors, name of publications or website).

If you have an example from your own experience and are willing to share it, you can substitute in your own example. Include adequate, specific details from your observations of the experience to support your analysis. If you analyzed a personal experience for conflict in Research and Analysis #1 and it also involves issues of power, you may evaluate the situation in this assignment. Conflict and power can both occur in situations involving organizational behavior.


Analyze the type of power that was used and evaluate how it was used by applying the concepts from Chapter 13. Write an analysis which includes:

1) Summary review 16 points)

  • a description of the event
  • an identification of the types of power involved, particularly those discussed in the chapter. (Be specific.)
  • a description of the tactics employed, particularly those discussed in the chapter. (Be specific).
  • the impact on organizational effectiveness.

2) Evaluate the effectiveness of this use or abuse of power on the achievement of organizational goals. (8 points)

3) Explain whether you agree or disagree with the action(s) taken and discuss your rationale for your conclusions. (8 points)

4) Takeaways on use or abuse of power (what are the essential lessons you learned about the use or abuse of power within the business organizational setting from your research) You will share these takeaways in group work in the class. 8 points)

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