Produce a written report on curriculum delivery and assessment based on your academic reading and teaching experience;

Start the report with your chosen title;

Write a short introduction to outline the points you intend to cover in your report and explain why they are relevant;

Include counterargument within your report. It must not be a manifesto;

Develop your ideas systematically in clearly defined paragraphs, one point at a time;

Present points and arguments concisely. Avoid lengthy descriptions and narrative. You are not telling a story, but presenting reasoned arguments about what works, why and how you know;

Embed your own experience and teaching practice within your written report, and critically analyse the effectiveness of your practice:

DESCRIBE a specific activity – be very brief (lesson on topic with class).

EXPLAIN what you actually did in this lesson, so it’s easy for the marker to visualise.

ANALYSE the outcome of this activity (what did the students do and why did this happen?)

EVALUATE how successful this lesson/activity/approach was. Use your academic reading to lend weight to this.

Critically reflect on your effectiveness as a teacher when managing behaviour in your lessons and end your report with an evaluation of possible future development needs.


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