GEOG210 – Group Case Study – Research Paper & Presentation – Coastal Habitat Destruction

Choose our case study. – Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

Explain why this environmental problem is occurring in this region. – Reshma

Describe the impacts of your chosen issue in your case study location – both short and long term. – Merin – dear writer, you only have to do this part

Explain how these impacts are being dealt with in this location at present and how these impacts could be mitigated or solved in the future. – Donna
Base potential mitigation techniques and/or solutions contextually to location of case study.
They must be economically, socially, culturally, and technologically viable within the case study location.

Explain the political/financial/cultural barriers to the mitigation techniques or solutions and how these may be overcome – Lovejot

Min eight peer reviewed sources.

Paper – 2000 words

Presentation – 5 mins

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