The policy brief topic is:
Healthcare access wellness policy in Mexico City, Mexico
Based on the attached case study: focusing on Obesity in school-aged children (5-11)
Mexico has universal healthcare (
The goal is to create a policy that would:
• offer financial reimbursement to families who receive yearly wellness (preventative) visits. Could be something like: $50 usd/individual, which = $1,025.62 pesos/individual
Explain how this identifies who is at risks, the financial implications of being obese vs being healthy and elaborate from there , reduction of the pandemic
Bernardo Turnbull, Sarah Frances Gordon, Gloria Oliva Martínez-Andrade, & Marco González-Unzaga. (2019). Childhood obesity in Mexico: A critical analysis of the environmental factors, behaviours and discourses contributing to the epidemic. Health Psychology Open, 6.
Costa-Urrutia, P., Vizuet-Gámez, A., Ramirez-Alcántara, M., Guillen-González, M. Á., Medina-Contreras, O., Valdes-Moreno, M., Musalem-Younes, C., Solares-Tlapechco, J., Granados, J., Franco-Trecu, V., & Rodriguez-Arellano, M. E. (2019). Obesity measured as percent body fat, relationship with body mass index, and percentile curves for Mexican pediatric population. PLoS ONE, 14(2), 1–13.