This is a literature review paper and the main focus is on the physical environment, such as walls, noises, desk set up, etc.
1. What is the significance of the topic and the research questions?
2. Whom is it significant to?
1. What is a literature review?
2. A literature review, main objects
Advantages and Disadvantages of a literature review.
How you carried out your review? What choices have you made?
Write down the terms that are related to the chosen topic: physical environment (the overall design and layout of a room, including its learning centres, materials and furnishing), social environment (the interactions that occur within the classroom between peers, teachers and family members), temporal environment, timing and length of the routines and activities that take place throughout the day), child development, holistic development of a child, learning, education, classroom environment, children’s needs, physical elements.
Review chapters
1. Address your research questions by engaging with discussing the literature.
2. Children’s culture, do they support children, children’s work display, children’s learning may be affected by..
3. Could talk about whether children had breakfast, do they celebrate success in the classroom, how the school is lead, this may affect children’s education.
4. The impact of design on people’s learning.
5. Could talk about public health paper about wellbeing and how school leaders can optimize behaviour?
6. Situation, colours, children can have a choice, physically accessible equipment, for children, toys, etc.
Please, let me know if you need any more information. Would it be possible to get a draft of the Methodology by Friday so I could show it to my supervisor and ask if there is anything that needs to be improved? You can contact me at any time.