Kidney Disease
Think about how you would give a presentation in front of a classroom. What visual components would you prepare? Be creative in your presentation.
Note: There is a MINIMUM of five academic/scholarly sources (beyond your textbook) required for this assignment. However, well supported presentations should go well beyond. Academic sources come from academic journals, .govs, .edu’s, etc. Popular websites (news websites,, etc.) are not academic sources, though they can be used for additional information.
Critical Assignment Criteria:
Your critical assignment presentation, at minimum, should include the following:
1. Background and rationale for choosing the disease
2. An examination, analysis, and summary of how individual and/or public health is affected by the disease.
3. Etiology of the disease
4. Pathophysiology of the disease
5. Identification and discussion regarding relevent signs and symptoms
6. Current and possible future treatments/therapies
7. Identification and discussion regarding current disease recognition strategies (screening, etc.)
8. How disease recognition strategies can be utilized and/or improved and the potential impact on health and wellness
9.Explain How education and/or prevention strategies/programs may promote improved health outcomes, relevent to your disease
10. Resources currently utiilized and/or still needed to improve health outcomes via education and prevention
11. Recommendations
12. Applications/Relationships to the field of public health
13. Conclusion
14. References
Your presentation should be academically sound and professional, strongly supported with a minimum of five credible/academic research sources beyond your textbook, clear, objective, engaging, and contain both audio narrations throughout and relevant visual images throughout. This presentation should reflect the highest quality work and effort you turn in this session. While there is no minimum or maximum length required, most comprehensive attempts come in about 25-35 minutes in length.