Drug Effects Presentation and Discussion

For your presentation, choose a drug of interest, look up appropriate peer-reviewed and authoritative references, and create slides and a script/transcript of your talk using the following general outline or a modified outline of your choice:

Slide 1: Title slide with the topic and your name, date, course, and institution (Use this to list the topic and briefly introduce yourself)

Slide 2: Background of the topic and value of the information to your audience

Slide 3: Notable psychological or behavioral effects of the drug and symptoms of usage.

Slide 4: Outline the possible mechanism(s) of action. If possible, include which regions of the nervous system are affected, how the drug affects neuronal signaling and/or neurotransmitter function and how these may cause the main effects and side effects. (Mechanisms of action may not be known, so include current speculation and research questions if needed.)

Slide 5: Explain and give examples of the most notable consequences to individuals and society

Slide 6: List possible treatments and research needs (or other topics of choice)

Slide 7: Conclusions. Emphasize the take-home message and value of the information.

Slide 8: References slide using APA 7th edition formatting

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