Part A: Chemical models

Prepare a 2 page report covering these two activities and post to Canvas.

Activity 1: Explore a common protein found in the human body.

How many amino acids are in the polymer?

What is the function of this protein in the cell?

If possible – find a picture or diagram showing the key reaction sites.

With proteins we use features of the structure to categorize types of proteins and identify chemical and structural similarities. We organize the protein data to be able to effectively work with it in the lab.

Otherwise, proteins are massive chaotic strings of amino acids.

Activity 2: Survey of common chemicals in consumer products.

Examine a few of the common chemical products found in the home. Select five and prepare a list of components for each item. You may want to look at a group of shampoos, soaps or detergents.

Sort the components into the “feature” or purpose of that component. Using categories helps make sense of the vast array of ingredients in common products.

You may encounter the following terms: solvent, surfactant, emulsifier, buffer, acid, base, thickener, dye, flavor, as well as chemical names.

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