
This coursework is to be carried outindividuallyand requires the student to compile a report on proposing a robust and realistic set of Security measuresin line with legislative requirements and industry best practice.Learning Outcomes being assessedThe coursework is designed to meet the following Learning Outcomes, as presented in the module specification:

LO2 Analyse the specific security hazards affecting the maritime and port sector in the present day and the relevant legislation on the fields of maritime and port security

LO4 Evaluate and apply the principles to a selection of relevant case study examples in order to identify best practiceCoursework Specification and Corresponding MarksRequirement:Your task is to consider the given Scenario ‘Bunkered’and write a report detailing the security measures that would need to be put into place to manage both the immediate situation and the longer term security risksbased on the given situation. Your report should clearly identify the risk analysis of the situation and based upon this,detail the measures that need to be taken in priority order. Reference should be madeto the ISPS code, appropriate guidance, standards and any relevant EU and National Legislation in order to support your decisions. You MUSTclearly identify how these references relateto your proposals.In considering this Scenario, you may consider it from either the perspective of the Port/Port Facility or that of the Ship. You should make clear in the report which option you have chosen.You will need to consider all of the potential risks and the wider external environment as well as the commercial implicationsof the situation. The emphasis of the report should focus onmeasures to be employed in respect of;-.1 access to the ship and port facility;

.2 restricted areas within the ship or port facility;

.3 handling of cargoand passengers;

.4 delivery of ships stores;

.5 handling unaccompanied baggage (as applicable); and

.6 monitoring the security of the ship, port facilityand port. Your report mustconsider both the immediate term and longerterm securityof the ship and port facility and any impactsthat arise overall. The report should discuss and analyse the risks and mitigation methods that you propose to deployincluding your reasoning behind these choicesbased upon what you stipulate are the normal security level 1 measures in place. It is recommended that youconsider both Parts A and B of the ISPS Code; (Sections 8/9 for the Ship, and Sections15/16 for the Port Facility) as well as all relevant Legislation, Standardsand industry guidance. In order to substantiate your proposed measuresyou should undertake a Security Risk Assessment for both the immediate and longer termas directedin the scenario. You mayuse any appropriate risk assessment strategy but your choice of strategy should be justified.

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