I have research info that will need to be used I can email to you. Use tables and graphs to include in paper. Cost of Capital Analysis and Conclusions
Estimate Beta (24, 36, 48, 60 Months) (I have this)
Cost of Equity estimation using 6% MRP and the Nov 1, 2019 30 year treasury rate (I have this also)
Estimate with average, upper and lower bound 95% confidence intervals for each of the four slices (I have this)
Estimate the weighted average cost of debt for the most recent year (10-K)
Estimate the WACC (after-tax) with average, upper and lower bound 95% confidence intervals for each of the four slices.
Cost of Capital Analysis and Conclusions.
Stability of Beta for alternative time slices.
Statistical significance of Beta and discuss systematic vs. firm specific risk.
Comparison of your estimated beta and cost of capital with yahoo, bloomberg and other sources.
Financial Statement Analysis of your individual company (6 years per ratio)
Operating Efficiency
Leverage and Capital Structure Risk
Internal and Sustainable Growth Rates
Pricing Multiples and Capitalization Rate Analysis of your firm
Get the most current Price/Earnings Multiples (trailing and forward) and Price/Book equity Multiples
Get the most current MVIC/Ebit and MVIC/EBITDA Multiples
Compute the most recent MVIC/Free Cash Flow (annual basis) multiple
Compute the Cap Rates and implied growth rates associated with each multiple and discuss your findings and implications.