Medieval architectures
2000 words (including footnotes; excluding bibliography and captions)
Each seminar group will be given a broad subject-area (see further below). Your brief
is individually to develop a more specific interest within that area, investigate
examples and ideas, formulate a topic, and write your essay as the outcome of this
In the seminars you will be able to discuss your idea with the tutor and your peers,
who will be investigating topics from the same period and subject area. You will learn
from each other (knowledge sharing), test your idea, get feedback and refine your
essay week by week. Attendance is vital.
Aim / basic requirements
The aim of this assignment is that you expand your knowledge on a chosen subject
and produce an original piece of research and writing. You need to:
– Use appropriate sources and reference them properly, using the Modern
Humanities Research Association (MHRA) style.
– Demonstrate critical thinking around your subject and the ability to
contextualize ideas.
– Employ the appropriate visual material to illustrate your arguments, and write
captions to link images with the contents of the essay