Interview Questions.

T3 The Impact of Awareness on Privacy Concern.

  • Are you aware of the privacy problems that many people raise attention upon?
  • Can you give examples to privacy concerns?
  • How much do you feel like you know about the risks in the internet environment and you can protect yourself in this environment?
  • Did you ever suffer from any kind of security, privacy, theft or fraud actions?
  • Do you have any relatives or people close to you suffered from any kind of security, privacy, theft or fraud actions?

P3a Awareness of the privacy problems and concerns by the consumer affect privacy concerns positively.

  • Does learning more about the risks from word of mouth or already knowing a close person to you suffered increase your concerns or does it make you feel more confident because you are more aware of the situation and risks?

P3b Awareness of the privacy problems and concerns by the consumers affect trust negatively

  • Does learning more about the risks from word of mouth or already knowing a close person to you suffered decrease your trust to these eCommerce companies and websites?

T4 E commerce Companies’ Intention of Collecting and Using Private Information, Trust and Purchase Intention

  • Do you think eCommerce companies and websites collect and use your private information?
  • Do you think eCommerce companies and websites use this collected data for marketing purposes?

P4a Collection and the use of consumers’ private information affect trust towards eCommerce websites and companies negatively

  • Does data and private information collection affect your trust towards these websites?

P4b Collection and the use of consumers’ private information affect purchase intention negatively

  • Does data and private information collection affect your purchase intention?

T2 The Effect of Trust on Purchase Intention

P2 Consumers’ trust to eCommerce companies and websites affect purchase intention negatively by increasing willingness to share info

  • Do you trust the eCommerce companies and websites in terms of data privacy and protection?
  • Do you trust the eCommerce companies and websites in terms of fraud actions?
  • Is trust a factor for you to share personal information?
  • Does this trust depend on the websites and eCommerce companies?
  • Do you trust some websites and eCommerce companies that you made or regularly make purchase and therefore share personal information?
  • Are there any websites or eCommerce companies that make you not trust and would make any purchase from at all?

T5 The Impact of Reinforced Government Regulations on Trust, Privacy Concern and Purchase Intention

  • Do you trust Turkey’s current laws and regulations on consumer data privacy?
  • EU has recently reinforced their laws for its countries, US has an agency build up for this cause. Do you think Turkey should make reinforcement to the regulations for consumers’ privacy?
  • Have you made any online purchase or shared personal information in another country? If yes, did being in another country affected your privacy concerns compared to doing it so in Turkey?

P5a Reinforced Government regulations and laws on data privacy affect consumer trust towards eCommerce companies and websites positively

  • Does/would reinforced government regulations and laws on data privacy have an effect on your trust towards e commerce websites?

P5b Reinforced Government regulations and laws on data privacy have a mediocre effect on privacy concerns

  • Does/would reinforced government regulations and laws on data privacy have an effect on your privacy concern towards e commerce websites?

P5c Purchase Intention of consumers form eCommerce companies and websites increase by the Reinforced Government regulations and laws on data privacy

  • Does/would reinforced government regulations and laws on data privacy increase your purchase intention from these websites?

T1 The Effect of Privacy Concern on Purchase Intention

P1 Privacy Concern affect purchase intention negatively in eCommerce

  • Do internet purchases from eCommerce companies and websites concern you in terms of data privacy and credit card security?
  • Does your concern affect your purchase intention and using these websites?

T6 Privacy Concern Paradox

P6 Despite of all the privacy concerns and awareness by the consumers, they still use, make purchase and willingly share personal data to eCommerce companies and websites

  • Despite all the concerns and awareness, you have today, do you still regularly use these websites and make purchases?
  • If yes why do you think you are sharing personal information and making purchases?



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