Your responses to all three assignments are due by Sunday at 11:55 p.m. CST to the appropriate
drop box and in a format readable by your instructor (Word or PDF).
1. Self-Monitoring Assessment
1. Complete the Try for Yourself 6.1 activity. Scores of 11 or higher
indicate high self-monitoring; scores of 10 or lower indicate low selfmonitoring.
2. Answer the following questions:
a. Are you happy with the score you received? Why or why not?
b. Do you usually think about how the situation you are in
influences your behavior? Give an example of a time when you
were aware of this.
c. Do you usually behave consistently across situations, possibly
even when behaving differently would be easier or more
appropriate? Give an example of a time when you were aware
of this.
d. Describe how this trait is likely to be related to other behaviors.
2. Big Five Inventory
1. Take the Big Five Inventory (BFI) at This website was created by
Oliver John and presents the items of the recently revised Big Five
Inventory and several demographic questions (which is a good
example of additional information that researchers often ask for). The
website provides results that show where the person scores along a
continuum for each trait, the percentile, and a short description of each
trait. Provide a brief description of your results.
2. Type your response to the following questions (after providing a brief
description as mentioned above.)
a. Were you surprised about any of your scores?
b. Do the results of this test make you want to change anything
about your personality?
c. How could these results be used by others to make decisions
about you? For example, would an employer be likely to hire
you for a job based on your scores?
3. Increasing Self-Control and Compassion with Mindfulness Meditation
1. Watch and listen to one of the following videos of guided mindfulness
meditation: or Both are slightly
less than 10 minutes.
2. Type up some thoughts about your reactions to this exercise, both
positive and negative.
3. Describe some of the positive outcomes of mindfulness meditation as
found within the literature. For example, the text mentions increase in
self-control and compassion… what is the evidence for other benefits?
Please remember I will be grading you on how well your response demonstrates critical thinking
and if your responses provide detail/depth/examples. Please make sure you provide proper credit
for the sources you utilize. Please also remember to type your answers and submit to the
appropriate drop box by Sunday at 11:55 p.m. CST.