Distributive Justice Forum

You are going to present a concept from either Rawls or Nozick. Your initial post and peer reply should each consist of approximately 150-200 words. Be sure to complete your original post and your peer reply. Find a peer post.

Part I (Original Post)

Choose one (and only one) of the following prompts to address in your original post: Suppose someone asks you, “What is the veil of ignorance?” Explain Rawls’s thought experiment. Suppose someone asks you, “What is justice in acquisition?” Explain Nozick’s concept.

Be sure to complete your original post by Friday, and your peer reply by Sunday.

Part II (Peer Reply)

Find 2 classmate post and explain which TWO classmates’ posts struck you as the clearest, most coherent, and accurate presentation of either Rawls or Nozick? Be sure to engage the concept(s) and argument(s) your classmate presents, rather than only agreeing or disagreeing with the substance of the post. Describe and explain your thinking!


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