Background of the research paper:
Distribute a questionnaire to conduct a research project about Hong Kong-Shenzhen bridging program in English Language Teaching (primary schools) 2022.
This program has been organized and financialized by both HKSAR and Shenzhen Education Bureaux for almost 10-consecutive-year.
You need to design a questionnaire so that you can send it online to collect data from the participants (i.e. English teachers in primary schools in Shenzhen and Hong Kong) during this program.
Your research topic and proposal should be related to English Language education in Shenzhen, China. You may include Hong Kong if you wish.
Your content of your research depends on the direction of your research proposal and how you set your questionnaire. For example, your research can be related to English teaching and learning / teaching development in primary schools in China.
After distributing your questionnaire online and collecting data from the primary school teachers, you are expected to write a research paper at doctoral level.
Guidelines of your research paper:
You are advised to include the following elements in the following order: title; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, research questions, methodology and account of investigation, results, discussion; references.
Your paper should be around 6000 words (N =2000-3000), inclusive of the abstract, tables, figure captions.
Your paper should include an abstract of 150-200 words and between 3 and 6 keywords.
You are expected to include at least 30 references.
You can include your Appendix after your References.
You need to demonstrate the skills you learnt in your “UCL Statistics and Research Methods” course. It is up to you to decide your statistical tools for your analysis.
You should refer to the essay format and organisation in the sample “Why choose to become a teacher in China? A large-sample study using the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice scale” (both PDF and WORD format available).