(1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2;2.3) Complete exam: The content of this exam includes the concept of homeostasis in the human body.
1. Understand the concept of homeostasis in the human body
1.1 Define the term homeostasis and apply this to the nervous and endocrine systems.
1.2 Characterise the three classes of neurones and explain how they work in a simple reflex arc.
1.3 Explain the propagation of a nerve impulse and synaptic transmission.
2. Understand the gross layout of, and feedback mechanisms associated with the endocrine system.
2.1 Identify the main endocrine glands in the body and link them to some of their specific secretions.
2.2 Summarise how hormones reach their target cells and exert their influence at a cellular level.
2.3 Distinguish between positive and negative feedback mechanisms such as the effect of oxytocin (in labour and the control of Ca2+ linked to osteoporosis respectively.