Select one of the three practice guidelines provided and address the following in a typed double spaced document of no more than two pages, using APA format.

Evaluate the methods used to develop the guideline.

Evaluate the quality of the research evidence upon which the recommendations are based.

Discuss what practice change(s) if any, should be initiated as a result of the guideline.

Conduct an independent search of the research literature and identify if any new primary research evidence exists that adds to or detracts from the guideline.

Describe the search terms used, search results, and the impact if any, on the existing guidelines (increased evidence, contrary evidence, no further evidence).

Choose a guideline from the following:

1. Clinical Guideline for the Management of patients with prosthetic joints
2. Nonfluoride Caries Preventive Agents
3. Nonsurgical Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis

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