Week 2: Interactive learning activity
Week 2: Interactive learning activity
2.1 Learning Outcomes:
2.2 Action Required:
The purpose of this interactive activity is to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learned lessons by responding to discussion questions.
2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
Discuss the relationship between globalization and national sovereignty.
2.4 Instructions
Students are to answer the given question in Discussion Board.
Maximum word limit: 250 words
Week 3: Interactive learning activity
Week 3: Interactive learning activity
3.1 Learning Outcomes:
3.2 Action Required:
The purpose of this interactive activity is to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learned lessons by responding to discussion questions.
3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
Compare and contrast political economy and political system.
3.4 Instructions
Students are to answer the given question in Discussion Board.
Maximum word limit: 250 words
Week 2: Interactive activity
2.1 Learning Outcomes:
2.2 Action Required:
2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
2.4 Instructions
Week 3: Interactive activity
3.1 Learning Outcomes:
3.2 Action Required:
3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
3.4 Instructions
Post your answer on the discussion board using the discu