Find a peer-reviewed, data-based article on EBSCO or Pro Quest related to the electric vehicle industry that has quantitative statistical research.
• Summarize the article very briefly (no more than 1page)
• Discuss the raw data presentation and discuss the descriptive statistics used to present the data be sure to include both averages and distributions.
1. Were these appropriate averaging techniques and examinations of the distribution?
2.Could other types of averages or distributions have been used
• Discuss the scales of measurement and the methodologies used
1.Were these appropriate scales and methodologies?
2.Could other types of scaling have been used?
• For the visual presentations of raw data or averages, are there biases in the presentation.
1.What conclusions do you draw simply by looking at the visual
data presentation?
2.How could the presentation be altered to adjust those
How were individual data reported (if at all)?
What are the differences between individual results and
the mean results?
If not reported, do you have any concerns about what
information might have been lost
What inferential statistical tests were
Briefly summarize each.
Why were those tests appropriate?
Could other tests have been used?
• Use at least 8 references from EBSCO or Pro Quest
Useful material:
Proches, S. (2016). Descriptive statistics in research and teaching: Are we losing the middle ground? Quality and Quantity, 50(5), 2165-2174.
Hunter-Thomson, K. (2019). Data literacy 101: What do we really mean by “data?” Science Scope, 43(2), 84–88.