You will find all this info in the ‘Info on Group Lab Report 2’ file.
It is repeated measures ANOVA. The whole of the report basically needs to be done with SPSS – if you could analyse. Come up with a conclusion to the topic if you like. Would be great if you can make a great discussion and intro with literature reviews on previous studies relating to the processing of threat information with spider fearfuls.
Full lab report with all the standard sections including the results. Report in past tense.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA at bottom. Abstract not included in word count so please don’t write this part. I have attached 9 references for you to use. Can use more if you find some relevant.
Research Methods
cognitive clinical area of psychology
Topic: the processing of threat information with spider fearfuls
Here is an article which should give you an overview of the area. We will be using this article and playing with the durations they used in order to get a better idea about the time course of the attraction to, and the avoidance of, threat.
Mogg, K., & Bradley, B. P. (2006). Time course of attentional bias for fear-relevant pictures in spider-fearful individuals. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44(9), 1241-1250. doi:
I have attached the data file which you can use for the results section of this project.
The data file is in SPSS and has five columns. Lab Report Data: attached as Group Project Data G1 SR 2020 summer.sav. Please use SPSS to analyse the data
Subject Number
The Bias scores represent the speeding towards the threat displayed by the participant. The three timings (Stimulus Onset Asynchronies) are for 20 milliseconds, 400 milliseconds and 1800 milliseconds. These timings are for the time in between the display of the picture and the presentation of the Probe. The values in the columns represent the relative time taken to spot the probe following a threat compared to the time taken to spot a non-threat. Therefore a score of 45.7 indicates that the participant was 45.7 milliseconds quicker to spot the probe for a threat than a non-threat. This represents a bias towards the threat.
We would probably predict that fearful participants would demonstrate a speeding towards the threat at the faster SOAs. At the longest SOA, 1800 ms we might expect avoidance.
We will use a Repeated Measures Anova for the analysis with Fear as the Between Subject variable and the SOA as the Within Subjects variable
• Abstract – aim and rationale of study, participants (how many), methodology (questionnaire used or treatmeants used), major findings, contribution to knowledge
• Introduction – description of theory, overview of current literature, research question and aims, hypothesis
• Method – participants, research design (IV, DV, repeated measures), materials, procedure
• Results – what they say, descriptive statistics (mean, mode, median, standard deviation, confidence intervals), inference statistics (ANOVA) – always report p values if significant, if not, reporting them as p = >.005 and reporting .000 (as given by SPSS) as p = < .001, report to two decimal points and for p value, there is no need to report the 0 before the decimal place (.001 as opposed to 0.001)
• Discussion – reiterate your results in words, how your findings relate or don’t relate to previous literature, implications to current theory or new ideas, limitations of your study – methodological, ethical, theoretical issues, what future research can be done
• Conclusion
• References
9 references are attached as PDF’s and are to be used within this lab report. You can see them below. In the ‘some info on articles’ file, you will find some like analysis of each article.