Each student is to prepare a typewritten report on one (1) of the assignments indicated in the attached sheets. The report should be no less than five (5) typewritten pages not including the cover sheet, table of contents or reference list.
Each report should contain a cover sheet with the following information:
Title of Report
Course Number
Student’s Name
Date Report is Submitted
Each report should contain a table of contents to identify the main elements of the report and a reference list to identify the sources of information. Students are expected to utilize outside source materials to research the necessary information. These sources can include the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, New York Times (past and present issues), Fortune, textbooks, reference books, etc.
Copied reports will not be accepted.
ASSIGNMENT – Algorithms: The New Paradigm
The single greatest instrument of change in today’s business world and one that is creating major uncertainties for global economy and the nature of business is the advancement of mathematical algorithms and their related sophisticated software. Machines are communicating with other machines without human intervention, learning through artificial intelligence and making consistent decisions based on prescribed rules and processed through algorithms.
Discuss the nature and structure of a business algorithm.
Discuss how this technology connects the corporation to the customer experience, speed decision-making, flatten the organization and force the creation of new performance metrics.
Discuss three organizations that are successfully using algorithm technology to their competitive advantage.