Course: Applied Pathophysiology II

Title of Assignment: Written Table and Concept Map – 15 points

Curricular concept: Evidence-Based Care and Quality Improvement

Macro concept: Physiological Integrity

Micro concepts: Metabolism, Neuro-cognition, Infection, Regulatory, Oxygenation, & Perfusion

Exemplars: Gestational Diabetes, Hydrocephalus, Meningitis, Nephrotic syndrome (Toddler),                                  Acute Pancreatitis, Pleural Effusion, Sickle cell crisis

Purpose: Explore pathophysiologic processes that occur in diseases and connect them to clinical manifestations, potential complications, and clinical management including the nurse’s role.


  1. Describe the normal structure and function of cell, tissue, organ, and body systems for acute disease processes.
  2. Correlate normal body functioning to physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease processes.
  3. Apply the science of pathophysiology to common acute system disorders across the lifespan.
  4. Correlate normal body functioning to physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease processes.

Suggested Resources for Concept Map:, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Visio or other system for developing your concept map.


  1. Research delirium using current texts and scientific journals. One source must be quantitative or qualitative research related to your exemplar.
  2. Complete a table (example on following page). Include the following components: (see rubric for more details)
    1. Definition of the exemplar and the related epidemiology to include holistic, environmental, stress, or genetic related maladaptations of the system involved.
    2. Explanation of the pathophysiology of the exemplar to include changes in structure and function.
    3. Description of the clinical manifestations in relation to the pathophysiology and assessments to include identification of the diagnostic tests for the exemplar.
    4. Description of the potential complications of the exemplar.
    5. Explanation of the clinical management including current therapies and the effect on the pathophysiology of the exemplar.
    6. Discuss the nurse’s role and implications on nursing practice regarding management of the exemplar.
    7. Discuss the ethical implication of using human subjects in research and describe the importance of maintaining accuracy of data collection in research on the population impacted by your exemplar.
    8. References are comprehensive, relevant, and current (within the past 5 years). At least 2 of the references are from peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last five years. One reference must be related to research on the exemplar. For most topics, nursing literature alone will not provide sufficient depth. Sources from medicine and other sciences are encouraged. Be sure to site in text all information you take from a source.
    9. Follow APA format for your reference page.
  3. Create a concept map of the various components from your table, using arrows to show the pertinent connections between them.
  4. One team member will turn in your group’s work to the drop box in D2L by the designated due date. Each team member will turn in a peer review form to the drop box in D2L by the designated due date.

Example of Table and Concept Map                                    

This is an example of a table for the assignment. You can design one of your own, but be sure all required components are covered in the table.

Definition of ‘Exemplar’  
Clinical Manifestations  
Diagnostic Testing  
Clinical Management  
Nurse’s Role  
Ethical Research Implications  

Concept Map- This map does not contain all required component of the assignment but is an example of how to show connections in a concept map.

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