Big 5 Personality Essay
Essay Instructions:
Write an essay in which you describe your results and discuss whether you believe the results to be accurate. Describe your results.
Indicate whether your results said you were low, average, or high for each of the 5 dimensions.
Discuss several of the subdomains/facets that stood out to you for of each of the five dimensions.
Evaluate your results.
Do the results seem to be a true reflection of your personality based on what you believe about yourself? Explain.
The textbook describes research related to personality stability and change.
o If you are in middle adulthood, do you feel that your personality has changed or remained the same across your adulthood life so far? Explain.
o If you are still in adolescence or young adulthood, do you foresee your personality
changing at all across adulthood or remaining relatively stable? What factors may
influence your personality development in adulthood?