Leadership Management
This is a 3000-words essay based assignment.
The assignment requires you to:
• To give your assignment a title and to weave elements of the case study into the essay (Please remember that
it’s not a reflective essay).
• You are expected to provide general information about leadership and management to include nursing, in
addition identify relevant leadership and management theories and/or models. But, most importantly
discuss the styles that are applicable to your case study and why / why not they were/are appropriate in the
context. You are required to support your discussions with current policies, literature, and practice
experience which is related to your formative case study.
• You are required to identify collaboration, MDT and inter-professional working; and discuss the impact of
these to your formative case study and to patient-centred care.
• Discuss relational leadership and its effectiveness to create positive and/or negative relationships- e.g.
inclusiveness, empowerment and how this links to theory, patient-centred care and your case study.
• You are required to demonstrate self-awareness- within the essay. Apply your discussions to ‘self’- as a
qualified nurse, what do your findings/conclusions mean for your future practice.