Find 2 current (within the last year) news articles to show two sides of the same story. One story (side) must vilify the individual or group, showing them as “deviant” or “bad” in some way, and the other story (side) must counter this labeling, and show them as not being “subversive” or a “bad” influence.

Include the following:
Who or what is being scapegoated in these articles?
Discuss if this is for political, religious, or other reasons, and why this is important to understand.
Relate a theory of deviance from Part I of the text to this story. How does this theory apply? Make sure you define the theory and cite examples from the story to support your ideas.
In your opinion, was this person or group a scapegoat for others’ fears and issues (and therefore not really being “bad”), or were they actually being deviant in a negative way and are deserving of being marginalized? Support your opinion with examples from the articles and other information regarding current social norms.

Potential topic and theory: Immigration, labeling

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