(4-5 pages). We’ve been looking at travel, conquest and other encounter narratives through the lenses of a number of “frames”, including chapter 1 of Anna Brickhouse “unsettlement”, and Mikhail’s “the specter of Islam”.

Discuss how these two frames are illuminating and helpful in understanding Lalami’s novel “The Moor’s Account”, understanding John Smiths narrative (pdf attached), and Cortez short account (pdf attached). You need not apply more than one frame to a single author (but can if you wish) but you must, in the course of your discussion, make use of more than one frame.


1- “Unsettlement”: pdf attached
2- “Specter of Islam”: https://lithub.com/how-the-specter-of-islam-fueled-european-colonization-in-the-americas/

1- Cortez: (starts on pg 549) https://ilearn.sfsu.edu/ay2122/pluginfile.php/1192632/mod_resource/content/8/New%20World%20Writing-%20Norton.pdf

2- John Smith: (pdf attached)

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