Submissions should include a theoretical basis and discuss how the information from the class connects to real world caring and teaching and how class experiences apply to teaching and learning. In addition, you need to include examples from your personal experiences and how they fit into infant and toddler caring and teaching. In addition the student will be responsible for answering any assigned or posed questions from the instructor. The purpose of these journals is to develop a reflective practitioner, skilled in self assessment and comprehension of theoretical applications. The Journal allows students to write and relate to the course material in a more subjective manner than the other written assignments. In order to earn full credit for the reflections must be insightful, thorough, and reflective.
Discuss and reflect on at least five points that stood out for you regarding the class material from the last two weeks of class. Reflect on the assignments, the Discussion Boards, and other material you found to be relevant.
It is suggested that each journal submission should be a minimum of 5 ideas from the readings that you believe is worthwhile and would like to remember to help you as you design curriculum for infants and toddlers. Incorporate the 5 ideas from the sources linked below and remember to site them correctly.