Individual hand in worth 100% of the course grade. The assignment take form as an
individual scientific report.
Discuss critically and reflect upon an individually formulated focus question from one of the
following topics in an essay. You are expected to draw upon relevant theories / results /
discussions from papers and / or books from the material made available in the module (Link to these papers are in ‘additional materials’) and
add another four to six relevant peer-reviewed research papers.
1. Scaling agile: Large-scale agile projects
2. Agile methods in distributed development
3. Technical debt in agile project management
4. Agile transformation
5. Agile leadership
6. Applicability of agile methods outside of software development
7. Data-driven decision-making
The exam must be within a length of 1100-3000 words (excluding title page and references).
Remember, this is individual work, and all submissions will undergo plagiarism control.
Referencing should follow Harvard style.
One repeating question about the exam is whether it is a literature review? The answer is no.
You are required to discuss a research question (/focus question) and that will suggest a following structure of the exam hand in:
1. Introduction
2. Related work / background / literature review
3. Discussion (discuss the focus question in light of highlighted related work)
4. Conclusion