Students should post a short, relevant essay related to that week’s material: it should open with a thesis, briefly defend that thesis, and have a useful title. You may write an essay about anything related to this week’s material, so you do not need to respond one of my prompts. If your post does originate as an answer to one of my questions, write it as a standalone essay (i.e. leave out the question that motivated it). You are encouraged to link to relevant articles or videos from outside of class. respond to your peers’ posts by either agreeing or disagreeing with them while presenting a new idea, anecdote, or data point.
How are you better off (or worse off) than your parents, your grandparents, or your great-grandparents? What explains the hockey stick figures in Unit 1?
Did capitalism cause of the permanent technological revolution? What else might explain the rapid rise in living standards in most countries over the last couple centuries? Why have living standards failed to rise in some countries? How do capitalist economies rely on non-capitalist institutions?
How does capitalism differ from feudalism and socialism? Is capitalism responsible for rising inequality and/or climate change?