A boy child

Develop this points and write solutions and conclusion…Kenyan {Africa} raising American children.

This committee was formed with an aim and objective for identifying the possible reasons to why our youths are diverting in to their ways and avoiding the ever growing Kenyan Swahili Holy Masses. The team physically met on a Sunday, the 9th 2022 at 3pm in church conference room.

Final report: descriptive form


Loosing our teenager boys in the church {African community}

Age: 13 yrs and above.

Why and how


-Most teenagers drift away because their mothers are not able to control them at that age. These mother have brainwashed these boys that they should not listen to their dads. By the time they drift away, nothing the dads can do.

-Not feeling welcome

-Media…demonizing the catholic thus pulling them away.

-Parents attacking teenagers …

-Invading their privacy ..e.g… publishing what they give at the church.

Persistently and constantly Imposing our kenyan style disregarding the youths thus distracting their culture and their desires of living and their norms.

-Swahili masses…..language barrier don’t feel accommodated.

-Long masses…..most part of it swahili

-Peer pressure…doing what their cohorts are doing to be uniformed.

-Parents do not give autonomy to their kids and become very restrictive to enjoy the memories of how they were brought up in their native land.

Having discussed and highlighted the potential problems
The team touched a little bit on the solutions to the above problems and will continue to exhaust the solutions before the final analysis begin.


Invite the teenager regardless of a gender to understand them better.

Integrate them with young men.

Some professional to talk to our teenagers about life in general, experience, expectations, and conducts..

Add other solutions…..

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