Healthcare is a highly regulated industry. Important and stringent regulations exist to safeguard protected health information (PHI, or ePHI if electronic). These regulations apply not only to the organization providing patient care, but also apply to their business associates (called affiliates) including, but not limited to other healthcare provider practices and financial organizations. Employees are required to attend annual training on data security, privacy, and confidentiality for patient health information.
Employee training is vital to protecting PHI, other types of data, and computer resources in any healthcare organization. Employees are required to receive training on federal and state regulations and policies, as well as best practices and accepted procedures to comply with their organization’s privacy, security, and confidentiality standards. Trainings must be conducted at least yearly for all employees. to reaffirm the security policies and procedures, including:
login and logoff requirements including periods of user inactivity
Strong? password security
Record level access requirements and prohibitions based on position
For this competency, you will design training materials for employees in healthcare settings and their affiliates. These training materials must address changes to regulations concerning personal health data privacy, security and confidentiality.
The training materials must cover these three major tenets of healthcare information integrity.
Training design should consider a number of factors when designing the training. These factors include, but are not limited to:
Person’s role and access to required data. For example, clinicians do not need to access business data whereas the financial staff may need access to some health data, but not all data
New or previously trained employee
Best format for training given the individual’s role, tenure in the organization, and data access needs
The resources below will help you develop the assignment for this competency. These resources contain foundational content on privacy, security, and confidentiality, as well as how to develop an employee training program.