Description Task instructions:

it is important to read ALL the information about this assignment before you start writing. The following section describes the topic for the written assignment. The report topic can be addressed using the required readings, but students are encouraged to draw on other references/sources outside of the required and recommended reading lists.

Some determinants of health include:

This assignment requires students to develop a report of no more than ±1800 words (maximum word count-1,980 and minimum word count-1,620 excluding the abstract, references or any included figures or tables or headings) on the following topic:


  1. The health of Indigenous Australians (First Nations peoples, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) (you can choose a specific health issue/health outcome/disease that disproportionately effects Indigenous Australians)


The report should be divided into sections that include an:

  • Abstract (summarising the entire report) (~ 150 words)
  • Introduction (or background to the topic) (~150 words)
  • Findings:
  • Overview of the distribution of the health issue (e.g. rates of the health outcome by population group or geographical area) (~250 words)
  • A discussion of the main determinants of health that are associated with the health issue among your chosen population group (i.e. use one of the models or frameworks taught in the lectures to discuss the relationship between the chosen determinants of health with the health issue) (~800 words)
  • Recommendations: o Identify potential opportunities for reducing the health issue/improving the health of your chosen population (~300 words)
  • Conclusion (no new information, should only be a brief overall summary) (~150 words)
  • References The allocated word count for each section (bracketed above) is only a suggestion, the majority of the word count should be allocated towards the Findings-discussion section.

Referencing: use APA6th referencing style for both the in-text citations and the reference list. Students should use at least 5 different references or sources external to the required or recommended readings. There is no required set number of references or sources to be used for the assignment, rather ensure that the requirements for the sections within the report are fully met.

Ensure to include peer reviewed journal articles and grey literature (including national government reports, state health reports and statistics documents from Australian Bureau Statistics (ABS) and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) for example).



  • 12 pt. font
  • Times New Roman/Arial font
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • Microsoft word format
  • Normal margins in Microsoft word.

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