Carefully read the following case study, then Develop a deliverable and process-oriented work breakdown structures (WBSs) for the project described in the case study with a minimum of three layers of breakdown for each breakdown structure (read the interactive lecture and the references provided in the interactive lecture to learn more about deliverable- and process-oriented WBS). You can choose any tool to draw the WBS (e.g., PowerPoint Insert Menu SmartArt Hierarchy; or you can use Visio, Excel or other tools).
Case study:
Read Sections 1, 2, and 6 in Zhang, Liu, Qin. (2016). Construction of a large-section long pedestrian underpass using pipe jacking in muddy silty clay: A case study (Links to an external site.). Tunneling and Underground Space Technology Incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, 60, 151-164. https://10.1016/j.tust.2016.08.009