Lifespan Development – Main Exam
Instructions to candidates:
Answer any 1 question as a 1,000 essay. There are 4 questions to chose from
1. CompareandcontrastPiagetandVygotsky’stheoriesofcognitive development. Use empirical evidence to support your answer.
2. Describeandevaluateoneoftheapproachesavailabletoexplainthe development of gendered behaviour i.e., BiologicalDescribeandevaluateoneoftheapproachesavailabletoexplainthe development of gendered behaviour i.e., Biological, Cognitive, or Social., Cognitive, or Social.
3. Describethefeatures,aetiology,andintervention/managementofatleast three developmental disorders. Briefly discuss the issues with classifying such disorders.
4. Describehowatleastthreefactorsmightinfluencetheprocessof attachment, making sure to refer to Bowlby’s theory in doing so.