Application to MSW prgram at USC
• A comprehensive essay encompassing ALL QUESTIONS.
• Question and answer format WILL NOT be accepted
• Five double-spaced pages in length, with 1-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font.
Statement of Purpose:
• Describe your understanding of the social work profession and its core values. How have you incorporated social work values in your human service experiences and interactions with others?
• What significant relationships and life experiences have you had that motivated you to enter the field of social work?
• What type of societal concerns interest you in the social work profession? What type of barriers or successes have you witnessed in your area of interest?
• discuss your career goals and desired department within the school (CYF, AMHW or SCI). Include why the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work is a good fit for your goals.