Description OL
Your purpose in this essay is to learn the process of creating a college level essay, to utilize this process while developing a descriptive essay, and to explore using concrete details.
What must you do?
First, you need to decide which of the choices below you want to develop into an essay, which, eventually, will be 5 paragraphs long and 400 – 500 words.
Here are your choices:
Building on your discussion entry, describe your favorite pair of shoes, purse, bookbag, or watch.
OR describe your favorite super hero.
OR describe your favorite car or book.
Or watch “Chasing Ice…” CHASING ICE (Links to an external site.)There is very little voice over in this video. Your challenge is to create a description of the events that take place. Include the sights and sounds. Include a description of your feelings about watching this event.
In each of the first three choices, include why this is your favorite.