Why are the data that Jack has gathered qualitative in nature?
Jack has gathered qualitative data via a questionnaire. Describe three other techniques and/or sources to gather qualitative data.
Sampling for qualitative research is as important as sampling for quantitative research. Purposive sampling is one technique that is often employed in qualitative investigation (see Chapter 13). Describe purposive sampling.
How do you feel about the sampling technique that Jack has used (convenience sampling)? Would you have preferred purposive sampling? Why (not)?
Describe the three steps in qualitative data analysis (data reduction, data display, and the drawing of conclusions) on the basis of Jack’s study.
Jack has not paid any attention to the reliability and validity of his results in the first draft of his study.
Are reliability and validity altogether important in qualitative research?
Discuss reliability and validity in qualitative research.
Describe how Jack could have paid attention to the reliability and validity of his findings.
Categorize the following three responses into Jack’s classification system.