
It should take you no longer than 90 minutes to complete this exam.
There are 2 sections, A & B:

Sections A and B are NOT equally weighted. You should consider this in the time taken for each.

Annotated diagrams should be drawn where appropriate.

Hand drawn diagrams should be photographed and then embedded into your submitted file. If you cannot do this, then follow the instructions given above.

SECTION A – (60% of the exam)

You MUST answer Question 1.
You must then answer TWO of Question’s 2, 3 and 4.
The questions are equally weighted.
Question 1.

Describe name and interpret the thin section of a metamorphic rock, include identification of metamorphic index minerals, an annotated sketch with a scale, the metamorphic facies and the max-P/T. Back up all your interpretations with observations. Additionally, insert a labelled image from Google Earth of a tectonic setting where this rock type is forming today including an annotation of where this location is on Earth.

Thin section in Plane Polarized Light.

Same thin section in Crossed Polarized Light.
[Continued overleaf]


Question 2:

Describe the role of normal faults in rifting margins and discuss the key characteristics of a landscape dominated by normal faults.

Question 3.

Describe the types of mineral resources that occur in oceanic crust and explain how they form

Question 4.

Describe the metamorphic rocks and minerals that form in a regional tectonic setting from basaltic and pelitic protoliths.

SECTION B – (40% of the exam)

You must answer EITHER Question 5 OR Question 6.

Question 5.

Describe the hazards related to earthquakes and discuss the use of seismic hazard maps
.Question 6.

Describe why it is important to know whether a Foraminifera used for environmental reconstructions is benthic or pelagic dwelling? You may use a diagram to explain your answer.



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