1. Summarize the most important Goals of Strategy 2017 in a bulleted list.
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2. Describe the industry structure that Arla Foods competes in and relate this to the soundness of the objectives in the Strategy 2017.
a. Does it have the clear priorities?
b. Is it driving investments in the right geographies, right business segments, and right product categories? Be sure to provide rationale for interpretations based upon data and analysis.
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3. Is the organization set up in terms of people and priorities to achieve these objectives? Be sure to discuss if keeping the current stucture will work or not to achieve these objectives. What problems would a new structure have to address?
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4. Identify a set of key success factors that Arla should have to compete as a global company. Rate the current organization on these factors.
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5. Assess the three options developed by Hinke and his team and make your recommendation about how to proceed.
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