English Question

Ethnic Market Visit Paper

Instructions: Visit an ethnic food market, think back to when you visited an ethnic food market, or view an ethnic food market’s online website. Observe the food types, the presentation of the foods, and the overall atmosphere. If possible, take photos.

To supplement your observation, conduct research through the online USF library system and include your sources in a reference list at the end of your paper. Follow APA formatting guidelines.

Your paper should include the following information:

  • Background:Provide a brief history and background of the ethnic group. What meals are common or popular in the culture?
  • Core foods:Describe the food groups available at the market (e.g., starch, protein, vegetables, fruit, dairy) and provide examples of specific foods. What are the core foods?
  • Food taboos:Some foods are considered to be inedible in one culture but acceptable to eat in another culture (e.g., insects, chicken feet, live octopus). Did you observe any foods in the market that are taboo in your culture?
  • Food acculturation:Discuss acculturation. Were any signs of acculturation present in the market you visited? Were there are “Americanized” or “Westernized” foods sold?

The components included in your paper should be a cover page, paper with citations, and reference list. The paper should be 2-4 pages long, not including the cover or reference page.


Scoring: The assignment is worth a total of 50 points. The scoring for this assignment will be as follows:

  • Content (description of your observations and incorporation of supplemental research) – 30 points
  • Clarity (writing style and grammar/punctuation) – 10 points
  • Organization (paper components, appropriate in-text citations, and reference list in APA format) – 10 points


Criteria Ratings Points
Describes background and history of the group 2.5 points

Description provided

1.25 points

Minimal description

0 points

No description

2.5 points
Lists common/popular meals in the culture 2.5 points

Common/popular meals discussed

0 points

No discussion of common or popular meals

2.5 points
Describes at least 3 food groups available at the market 7.5 points

3 food groups

5 points

2 food groups

2.5 points

1 food group

0 points

No food groups

7.5 points
Gives at last one example of each food group identified 7.5 points

3 examples provided

5 points

2 examples provided

2.5 points

1 example provided

0 points

No examples provided

7.5 points
Describes the core foods 2.5 points

Core foods described

0 points

No description

2.5 points
Names at least one food taboo, or notes that none are available 2.5 points

Food named, or noted unavailable

0 points

No food named

2.5 points
Discussion of acculturation 2.5 points

Acculturation discussed

0 points

No discussion of acculturation

2.5 points
Discussion of Americanized or Westernized foods, or notes that none are available 2.5 points

Americanized or Westernized foods discussed

0 points

No discussion

2.5 points
Information is within 2-4 pages 3 points

Correct page length

0 points

Incorrect page length

3 points
Includes title and reference page


2 points

Both present

1 point

Title page or reference page missing

0 points

Both pages missing

2 points
Use of proper citations throughout the paper 5 points

All citations incorrect

0 points

No citations correct or none present

5 points
Clear and concise writing 5 points

Easy to read

0 points

Confusing, not easy to read

5 points
Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation 5 points

No errors

4 points

Almost no errors

2 points

Some errors

0 points

Many errors

5 points

**This assignment aligns with CLOs #1, 2, 3 & 5

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