Week 3: implicatures
Each of the following single statements has at least one implicature in the situation described. What is it?
Situation: Someone is blocking your view.
Situation: You’re at a party and it’s 4 A.M.
Situation: It’s 10 o’clock and you haven’t eaten dinner.
Situation: It’s sweltering in the room.
Situation: Someone is standing on your toe.
Situation: The summary statement in a letter of recommendation to graduate school.
Presupposition –
The following sentences have certain presuppositions that ensure their appropriateness. What are they?
Example: The minors promised the police to stop drinking.
Presupposition: The minors were drinking.
Entailment –
Describe the entailment relationships (A entails B, B entails A, synonymous, contradictory) between the following groups of sentences.
Compositional semantics –
Consider the sentence Jack kissed Laura. How would the actions of Semantic Rules (I) and (II) determine that the sentence is false if it were true that: