answer one of the following two questions. The assignment should be approximately 1-2 pages long. It should be typed, double spaced, with a 12 point font and with at least a 1 inch margin. There is no need to give these a formal paper structure with an introduction and conclusion, etc.; go straight into the topic. Criticisms and examples may be derived from any source, but please fully cite sources from outside of the class materials. If you choose to do this assignment as your first short paper, it is due Mar 19th on Moodle before class begins.
1. Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a general moral principle: Kant claims that in order to be morally good, our maxims must be compatible with it. a) Describe the Categorical Imperative, making clear what Kant means by a maxim, and how he thinks our maxims can be made compatible with the categorical imperative. Use an example of a moral choice that illustrates how this can be done. b) Does using Kant’s categorical imperative always give us the right answer to which actions are acceptable, forbidden, required or supererogatory? Describe a case where it appears to give the wrong answer.