For a higher-education administrator, planning is an essential component to the success of your students and the institution. Now that you have been assigned a very important task (i.e., the development of an institutional response plan), you must structure and plan your work to ensure that ideas connect to each other and are fleshed out enough to apprehend your objective. Also, you need to remember that specific policies, procedures, and programs will impact your institution’s students.
Your strategy must involve students when mapping this change, so include that in your paper.
Go into detail about the response plan, addressing your integrated approach to regain compliance with the regulatory change. Outline the steps to develop a thoughtful, comprehensive, and sequential plan. The strategy should also address the funding and resources needed to carry out the plan.
Thus, it is important that you are well-versed on the main elements that a regulatory response plan consists of, to ensure that you and your team compose a comprehensive outline of a plan that will help the institution regain and maintain compliance.
In Module Five, you will submit a detailed outline of your response plan for your chosen regulatory change. Address the main components of the plan in terms of action recommendations, key players, resources, a communications system, and compliance assurance.
Address the following: