Research Article Critique
Student Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 & 14
Objectives of the assignment:
1. Describe aspects of a research study’s findings which are important to consider when developing a critique.
2. Describe the purpose and features of a research critique.
3. Identify the main dimensions along which a reviewer should critique a research report.
4. Critically analyze a research report in a 3-5 page scholarly written paper.
Directions to the student:
1. Critique one peer-reviewed research article related to your topic of interest that may be used as one of your 10 articles in the literature review.
2. Write a 3-5 page paper that addresses the following aspects of a research critique:
Identify the type of research. Support your answer using Polit and Beck as a reference.
State the variables if it is a quantitative study, or the purpose if it is qualitative. If qualitative, describe what type (phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography).
Sample: Describe the type of sample. Is it appropriate? How was the sample obtained?
Methods: How was the data gathered? Is this method appropriate for the research question?
Are there any potential ethical problems? Is there any evidence of ethical violations?
What is the significance of the findings? Is it important or trivial? Why?
What is the clinical relevance to nursing? How can the findings be used in nursing?
What is your overall impression of the study? Summarize and evaluate the study in your own words. Do you have any suggestions to improve the study? Does the study raise new questions that could be researched?