Final Project Journal: Assessment & Plan
You did my Final Project Data for me – these two sections need to flow with that. I’ve attached it back to this assignment.
Separate Assessment & Plan into two different documents.
Read all the rubrics carefully so no parts are missed, please.
Case #2: Sal
ASSESSMENT PART: 3-4 pages. 12 point font. Times New Roman. Double spaced. APA sourcing.
In this journal, address the following statements:
* Through the lens of the developmental theory, explain the physical and cognitive components of the client’s case across the lifespan.
* Through the lens of the developmental theory, explain the systemic and environmental components of the client’s case across the lifespan.
* Using the developmental theory as a guide, explain the client’s career development across the lifespan.
* Using the developmental theory as a guide, explain the client’s work environment across the lifespan.
* Describe how the client’s career and work history across his or her lifespan relates to his or her current state.
* Explain, through the lens of the developmental theory, any cultural components of the case that play a role in the development of the client.
* Explain, through the lens of the developmental theory, any ethical components of the case that play a role in the development of the client.
JOURNAL PART: 3-4 pages. 12 point font. Times New Roman. Double Spaced. APA sourcing.
In this journal, address the following:
* To create context for your Plan section, summarize your assessment of your client’s case by describing the outcome of the application of the developmental theory.
* Describe any specific ethical and cultural considerations you will make when working with this client, based on your assessment of his or her case.
* Based on your description of the client’s current state, in regard to his or her career and work history, describe any specific considerations you will make when working with the client.
* Explain the client in terms of his or her overall wellness and mental health status. Use your assessment to inform your explanation.
* Based on the client’s overall wellness and mental health status, describe what needs to be addressed to get the person to a state of mental wellness.