Learning outcomes tested in this assignment There are three learning outcomes for this unit tested in this assignment:

LO 1: Demonstrate in depth understanding of the core principles and their experimental basis of selected aspects of current physiology

LO 2: Evaluate the experimental tools used to study selected aspects of physiology

LO 3: Gather information from the primary scientific literature relating to aspects of current physiology and demonstrate critical analysis skills allowing reasoned arguments to be presented

Assignment task instructions You will be provided with a list of scientific journal articles, from which you must select one to review. The number of students who can assess each article will be limited, and you will therefore need to indicate your selection on the tool in the moodle unit area. Allocation of spaces will be on a first-come-first-served bases. All students will be notified of the list availability via an email delivered to your student email account through the moodle announcement function.
The assessment will be based on production of a written report, critically reviewing the journal article you selected. You should therefore complete the following steps:
Select the article from the list and indicate your selection on the choice tool in the unit moodle area.

Critique the paper using approaches discussed and practiced in the unit journal club activities

Write a 2500 word report (± 250 words) critically reviewing the article

The exact format of your report will vary to some extent depending on the journal article you select to review. You should provide:
A summary of the paper’s main findings, focusing on the main or most relevant points
Critically comment on the hypothesis proposed (i.e. are they well defined, specific and justified?)
Critically comment on the experimental design and approach (e.g. sample sizes, data collection tools and method of analysing data), including reflection of ethical considerations
Evaluation of data presentation and critical comment on interpretation of results

You should cite references to support the arguments you make, making use of peer-review scientific publications

You should aim to report on the topic in a clear, concise but detailed manner aiming to make the content readily accessible to the reader.

The criteria against which your work will be marked are as follows:
fulfilment of the requirements of the assignment task (including adherence to any word or page length specified);
evidence of reading around the subject with correct and complete citation and referencing of sources;
evidence of critical thinking and appraisal of evidence presented in the journal article
delivery of a clear, well-structured report;
standard and style of written English, grammar, spelling and punctuation; and evidence of innovative and creative thinking.
Format and structure of the submission Your work should be presented digitally. You should produce a typed document submitted either in word (*.doc, *.docx) or PDF (*.pdf) format. The report must be no longer than 2500 words, not including the reference list.

Penalties for over long submissions: Coursework that exceeds the stated word limit will be penalised according to the following scheme:
If your work exceeds 2500 words by more than 10% (250 words) your mark will be reduced by 5%.
Marking process Your work will be marked against the assessment criteria indicated above, which match the relevant unit learning outcomes. The assessment criteria are reflected in the Standards Descriptors given below. While preparing your assignment it is good practice to regularly review and check that you have addressed each of the assessment criteria. Check the Standards Descriptors to see what changes you need to make to improve your marks, and to get a better idea of what it is that we are looking for when we assess your written report and presentation.

Feedback plan
Marks and feedback will be available on moodle 4 weeks after the submission deadline. You will receive written feedback on your work using the feedback and comments sheet attached. In addition, there will be general feedback and examples of good practice identified from all submissions made available on the Moodle course area.
You are also welcome to make an appointment with the unit co-ordinator (Dr. Hodson-Tole) to arrange a one-to-one meeting to discuss specific questions you have once you have reviewed the feedback you receive.
Assignment support and resources The first unit lecture will provide information on the assignment and there are a dedicated series of journal club workshops provided for you to participate, to help you develop and apply appropriate study skills and technique.
If you have questions not addressed or answered in the above resources, you can also arrange to make a one-to-one meeting with the tutor: Dr. E. Hodson-Tole

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Name of Unit Coordinator: Signature EHT
Name of Verifier: Signature


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