Bour nemout h Uni ver sit y
Busi ness School
Assi gnment Br i e f
*Assignment brief is subject to External Examiner approval and may require changes. Students will be
notified and an updated version provided if necessary*
Programme: MSc Marketing Management, MSc Marketing Management (Digital), MSc Marketing
Management (Retail), MSc Marketing & User Experience
Level: 7
Unit Name: Omnichannel Strategy and Supply Chain Management
Unit Leasert Aert
Member of staff from whom advice can be sought about the assignment: Dr Julia Hibbert
Submissioas17 th Deasoon
Weighting of this assignment: 100% (as % of total coursework assessment for the unit)
It is your responsibility to be aware of University Regulations relating to academic offences and to
avoid committing them. The BU definitions and the penalties are listed in: Academic Offences: Policy
& Procedure for Taught Awards
If you are unable to submit your assignment on time due to medical or other mitigating circumstances
you must complete a Exceptional Circumstances form PRIOR to the deadline and submit it for
Details of what you are expected to do:
1. Rationale
The rise and adoption of technology within business practices means that in order to meet the needs of
changing consumers within a new purchase journey, organisations have had to adopt an omnichannel
approach to processes and services. Technology and data analytics are now employed throughout the
business and influence strategies from product development to final delivery. This is particularly relevant in a
global trading environment where business practices are encouraged to be sustainable. Students should
understand the significance of adopting Omnichannel strategies throughout business processes and services
including marketing and supply chain management. By critiquing the omnichannel practices of a global
company of their choice they will be able to demonstrate an understanding of omnichannel best practice and
the strategic importance of this to a business. Students are free to choose any company they wish but their
choice should be discussed and agreed with the tutor. When deciding, students should bear the following in
1. The company must be global (i.e. have global stakeholders).
2. Size of company – any size company is fine (NB: a global company might also be a SME).
3. Industry – students should be guided by personal interest/knowledge.
ssignment marker: Dr Julia
2. The learning outcomes being assessed
The learning outcomes being assessed are learning outcomes 1-5:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the omnichannel consumer and the evolving customer
purchase journey, identifying how this impacts business strategy.
2. Critically analyse the impact of technology on data analytics and what this means for the strategic
management of omnichannel marketing and supply chain processes.
3. Critically evaluate the rise in sustainable omnichannel strategies for global supply chain
4. Appreciate the need to manage businesses in an omnichannel manner for both business -to-
business and business-to-consumer marketing and management, using technology as a key
management tool for decision-making.
5. Apply the principles of omnichannel strategic business management in order to determine best
practice for the design of a strategic omnichannel business strategy, using the appropriate
academic theory.