Need the below answers ((13e edition) Chapter 6: Customer Value Marketing Strategy
Read the chapter and answer the following questions [to facilitate references later on for the purpose of test-taking, make sure you bold or underline key concepts, use bullet points, and note down the page numbers on the textbook for each concept]:
1 List the four steps in designing a customer value marketing strategy and DEFINE the concept of each step.
2 Define geographic segmentation and give a product example to illustrate how to do geographic segmentation.
3 Define demographic segmentation.
4 List the demographic variables used for segmentation and give a product example to illustrate how to use each variable to do segmentation.
5 Define psychographic segmentation and give a product example to illustrate how to do geographic segmentation.
6 Define behavioral segmentation.
7 List the behavioral variables used for segmentation and give a product example to illustrate how to use each variable to do segmentation.
8 Briefly explain how to segment business markets.
9 List and explain the requirements for effective segmentation.
10 Mark out which segmentation variable(s) [can be more than one] each of the following statements deal with and briefly explain your rationale or point out the tell-tale keywords. [ I start a discussion thread on Canvas on this exercise and feel free to discuss them there with your classmates. On the test you will be given a statement like these and asked to categorize it. ]