Introduce your topic to the reader and make the transition from the previous paragraph. The transition links the ideas from one paragraph to the next and makes this an essay rather than a collection of paragraphs.
2. Topic Sentence.
Present the main argument of this paragraph.
3. General Discussion.
Define, describe and explain your topic. Discuss the main argument you have on the topic and support it with details (Who? What? When? Where? Why?).
4. Specific Examples.
After discussing the topic in a general manner, offer specific historical examples to demonstrate your arguments.
5. Concluding Statements and Transition.
At the end of the paragraph offer your concluding statements on this topic and transition into the next topic of discussion that you will provide in the next paragraph.
The conclusion should reaffirm your thesis and wrap the essay up. Does your conclusion
agree with your thesis? If not, are your concluding ideas better than your thesis? If so, it is time
to make your concluding remarks your thesis and go for a rewrite.
Organization of the Conclusion.
1. Transition.
Transition from your last paragraph to your conclusion.
2. Summary of Thesis and Main Topics.
Summarize your main arguments and tie up loose ends. Do not bring up new topics in your summary.
Editing and Proofreading:
Edit and proofread your essay! Edit! Make sure your ideas are coherent and that your arguments and ideas follow each other. Write using active verbs. Does the verb to be (is, are, & was) appear in most of your sentences? Go back and rewrite some sentences and use active verbs. Proofread! Go back and search your essay for misspellings and grammatical errors.

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